Planetary Positions

Planetary positions for:
Apr. 24, 2024, 11:38 pm
in 05°25'
in 18°32'
in 15°59'
in 24°39'
in 25°45'
in 22°45'
in 16°06'
in 22°03'
in 28°44'
in 02°05'
in 15°36'

Today's Forecast

of the Moment

These are the major aspects in effect, at this moment, for everyone.

Note: these major aspects use an "orb" of +/- 3 degrees.

Moon trine Saturn
(angle: 117.6°)
Common-sense answers.
Weak, transient effect: Today during the day you will keep your emotions under control, not in a repressive, negative manner, but in a way that enables you to take a more sober and realistic view of life. You are able to put up with considerable adversity and strain during this time because it gives you patience and reserve strength. While you are not inclined to talk about your feelings to just anyone, you do not evade them in yourself. You may very well go off by yourself at this time to think about and evaluate your development. If you have a problem, seek out an older person whose wisdom you respect, who can offer emotional support and suggest practical and immediate answers. You need common-sense answers now that can be applied directly.

Mars conjunct Neptune
(angle: 2.9°)
Selfless service.
This is a very peculiar influence and is usually accompanied by strange feelings. You are likely to feel extremely irritable and itchy without quite knowing why. And at the same time you may feel discouraged and incapable of doing anything useful. Feelings of weakness and inferiority are quite common during this time, but it is best not to take these feelings too seriously. This time is good for any activity that is totally selfless and involves serving others. These activities are the exception to the rule that you shouldnt begin anything now. However, you must be certain that you are not working for secret and selfish advantage through these activities. If you are, it will come to naught. On the physical level, you should be careful not to abuse your body during this period

Jupiter conjunct Uranus
(angle: 0.7°)
A sudden windfall.
Valid during several days: This is a time of surprises and sudden opportunities. And you will strive now for a kind of freedom you have never known before. You will seek in every way to express what it means to be young and free. The most negative aspect of this influence is reluctance to live up to your responsibilities. Be careful that in your desire for freedom you do not let people down who are really counting on you. On the other hand, you have to strike a balance between the demands that others make on you and your need to be yourself. At the same time, this influence arouses your idealism. You find it very hard to accept sordid or unjust conditions, either in your personal surroundings or in the outer world. For this reason you may become involved in a reform movement or group that works to change social conditions. But this influence can work out in an entirely different manner. It may mean a sudden break or opportunity from an entirely unexpected quarter - a sudden promotion, for example, a sudden windfall or a sudden encounter with someone who proves to be beneficial to you. These are just a few of the possibilities. It is difficult to say exactly which of these might occur, because this is a very erratic influence. Another effect of this influence is that it can open your eyes to new possibilities. Its consciousness-expanding nature can help you see situations from a totally different angle, and you may think of solutions to the problems that you have had to face. Often these will be radical solutions that you would usually be afraid of, but this influence gives you the confidence to try them. Whatever the effects of this influence, you can expect a sudden broadening of the scope of your life and the opportunity to encounter life from a new, richer and broader perspective. This may come about through a major transforming event or through a series of minor ones that collectively have a large impact.


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