Sun: CAN 19° 24'
Moon: VIR 11° 53'
ASC: ARI 20° 13'
Mercury: CAN 23° 49'
Venus: GEM 04° 26'
Mars: SCO 20° 58'
Jupiter: CAP 22° 49'
Saturn: ARI 05° 07'
Uranus: TAU 13° 06'
Neptune: VIR 16° 43'
Pluto: CAN 28° 03'
N Node: SAG 13° 22'



Name: Cosby_Bill

glyph of the Sun in glyph of Cancer

Sun in Cancer
The Sun in the cardinal, water sign of Cancer is ruled by the Moon. There is a strong desire to feather your nest. The crab has a hard shell symbolizing the emotional protection needed for the individual's soft and delicate inner self. Those with the Sun in Cancer approach issues indirectly, analogous to the way that crabs walk, i.e., sideways, to reach where they are going. Cancers tend to cling to emotions, relationships or memories. Similarly, crabs tenaciously grasp with their pinchers and reluctantly let go. The Moon is the ruler of Cancer and the 4th house: the house of home, family and real-estate. The Cancer energy is maternal and domestic. Cancer energy also manifests as patriotism. Although quiet, conscientious and receptive, the typical Cancer is deeply concerned with what others think of them. They need to feel needed and through genuine concern for humanity they can overcome their natural shyness. The domestic nature manifests as a joy of cooking and entertaining in the home. The retentive quality makes this a favorable sign for hobbies involving collecting things. When necessary you can be manipulative to achieve your aim, which is emotional security. You need a quiet place for retreat, since you respond so strongly to influences in your environment.

glyph of the Sun in glyph of the

Sun in the 4th House
The Sun in the 4th house indicates that you are domestic. You have a strong paternal ties and a happy home life, unless you have too many challenging aspects; then there is a desire to leave home early. You experience good health in old age. This house placement is excellent for all phases of real estate. You have a strong urge for self-protection that may surface as an ultimate need for security. This house shows the roots of a person's being, the depth not apparent on the surface.

glyph of the Moon in glyph of Virgo

Moon in Virgo
The Moon in the mutable, earth sign of Virgo indicates that you are emotionally discriminating. You respond to encouragement and appreciation and you have a deep hunger for sharing experiences and self-realization with others. However, this makes you emotionally overeager; you may be prone to dictating the course of all your relationships. You are insistent and you can even be petulant. You are generous with your time and service; you want to serve people, but you have trouble understanding their feelings. You want what you want and just the way you want it. This placement of the Moon emphasizes your mental qualities, but here the restless qualities of Gemini are replaced by steadiness and practicality. You don't value knowledge for its own sake, but you seek it in order to use and apply it. Your memory is excellent. You analyze and criticize all sense impressions with care. This is not the most sexual position for the Moon. You have a fondness for science and/or the occult. You can be clairvoyant.

glyph of the Moon in glyph of the

Moon in the 6th House
The Moon in the 6th house shows that you are adaptable and that your state of health is strongly influenced by your emotional state. Your nervousness can express itself through illness, which can often be psychosomatic. This lunar placement also indicates that you will change jobs more frequently than the average person. At the work place you are considerate of others, especially employees, but because you are a hard worker, you expect others to work as hard as you do. You have a natural inclination toward mothering and serving people. You are skillful at cooking and you would do well in any industry serving the public, such as markets and restaurants. You tend to be changeable in your habits.

glyph of the Mercury in glyph of Cancer

Mercury in Cancer
Mercury in the cardinal, water sign of Cancer indicates a mind that is influenced by deep-seated emotional patterns. Unconscious desires will cause you to look at some facts and ignore others. Impressionable and changeable, you are sensitive to your surroundings; kindness and praise are the best ways to get through to you. You have an excellent memory because of the emotional intensity associated with the thoughts. You are a sensitive listener, full of sympathy for the suffering of others, but you might have trouble thinking objectively, since your emotions are always involved. This could lead to feeling sorry for yourself. You are diplomatic and have good business ability, although much of your orientation is around home and family. You have flashes of intuition and you like poetry. If your Mercury has many challenging aspects, you might be evasive rather than honest.

glyph of the Mercury in glyph of the

Mercury in the 4th House
Mercury in the 4th house indicates that you are home-conscious. You are determined, your memory is retentive and your thinking is economical. Proud of your family and interested in your ancestry, you love antiques and might be a book, stamp or coin collector. Your parents were probably educated and cultured. This is a good position for real estate, agriculture, ecology, archeology, geology and other professions related to the earth. It is possible that you will work out of your home. You might change residence often, or there may be a lot of activity in your home. Perhaps a relative will live with you. With challenging aspects, you are easily irritated and quite high-strung.

glyph of the Venus in glyph of Gemini

Venus in Gemini
Venus in the mutable, air sign of Gemini means that you like variety in your romantic and social life. The desire for varied experience, coupled with a curiosity about people, makes you disinclined to settle down to one permanent romantic relationship; you need a lot of freedom. Because of your wit and conversational ability, you are attracted to people with agile minds and keen intellects. You spend much time in pursuit of pleasure and social activity. Literary activity - especially poetry - and jokes are your favored artistic expressions, usually including some sort of play on words. There is a tendency to dislike coarse behavior. You have a pleasing manner and maintain generally good relations with brothers, sisters and neighbors. If Venus is afflicted, there is inconsistency and fickleness in romance. Values concerning love, marriage and romance may be superficial.

glyph of the Venus in glyph of the

Venus in the 2nd House
Venus in the 2nd house shows that you are materialistic. You have the ability to obtain money, enjoy being content and prosperous and are quite lucky. Social status is important to you and therefore you will undoubtedly work hard toward financial success. You like to earn money in pleasant ways and you may find a career in the arts, beauty, clothes or flowers. You have the ability to charm others and any career that caters to women, including a public one, is rewarding. With difficult aspects, you may spend more than you earn, since you like to show off. You may also be greedy or stingy.

glyph of the Mars in glyph of Scorpio

Mars in Scorpio
Mars in the fixed, water sign of Scorpio shows an explosive nature with powerful emotions and desires. You are strong, self-disciplined, self-reliant, efficient, dignified and intense and you seldom act until you know what is right for you. Idealistic, probing and set in your ways, you are very trustworthy and you expect the same from others. You lack adaptability and the power to relax. A planner and strategist without equal, you have an all-or-nothing attitude that makes compromise difficult. Sexually you are strong, powerful and secretive; if you misdirect this drive you can become intensely jealous. With difficult aspects you can experience intense anger and resentment. This Scorpio placement indicates that you are capable of holding a grudge and holding these strong, boiling feeling inside, eventually bringing to bear extreme results when finally released.

glyph of the Mars in glyph of the

Mars in the 7th House
Mars in the 7th house indicates a person who is aggressively involved in partnership activities or in working with the public. The marriage partner, as well as close friends and business partners, is likely to be of an aggressive, active Mars nature. You are an active, controversial person with a strong personality and a need to prove yourself. Public opinion and that of your partner are important to you. If Mars has strong aspects, you'll attract verbal attack and legal difficulties. Often you will marry early or hastily, choosing a dominant mate; unless you have a mature outlook. This can lead to separation or divorce. You like to have your own way and everything goes well when you get it.

glyph of the Jupiter in glyph of Capricorn

Jupiter in Capricorn
Jupiter in the cardinal, earth sign of Capricorn means that you are expedient, honorable, puritanical and austere. Ambitious, you need a career that provides enough financial assets for good security. You are conservative and could successfully run your own business, or you could also do well working for a large organization. Your patience and dedication enable you to attain wealth, but you can be penny-wise and pound-foolish. You abhor waste and extravagance, you have high morals which you adhere to and you excel in land dealings. Improperly handled, this position of Jupiter can make you miserly, bigoted, overly orthodox and a martyr.

glyph of the Jupiter in glyph of the

Jupiter in the 10th House
Jupiter in the 10th house imparts leadership ability, self-reliance and trustworthiness. This position is excellent for success in business and/or politics. You have many opportunities to advance. Socially you are very active. Your strong sense of justice indicates that you would do well in law. You moral standards are high. You are proud, materialistic and ambitious; recognition comes early in life. With difficult aspects, you can be arrogant and overbearing.

glyph of the Saturn in glyph of Aries

Saturn in Aries
Saturn in the cardinal, fire sign of Aries indicates a person who is forced by circumstances to acquire initiative, patience and self-reliance in providing for the practical necessities of life. By the obligation to develop your own resources, you come to develop your will and strength of character. Because Saturn is in its fall in this sign, there are delays on the drive and energy of Aries. Your sense of social justice, diplomacy and the rights of others is undeveloped. If you channel this energy properly, you will combine initiative with discipline and be very persistent. Then you will use your own inventiveness to great advantage by taking charge in a positive way. Your many subconscious fears give you a strong desire for security. This position can indicate a father complex, or in a woman's chart, a jealous mate. Although your sense of timing is not the best, you have strong reasoning power and love a debate. With difficult aspects, you may be superficial, defensive, impatient and may constantly feel a need to justify yourself. You expect conflict and opposition from others.

glyph of the Saturn in glyph of the

Saturn in the 12th House
Saturn in the 12th house indicates that you may be morbidly sensitive, you are inclined to isolate yourself or else to live with a constant wish to retreat. You enjoy solitude; your creativity flows when you work by yourself, but too much isolation will lead to loneliness and fear. Because you are tied down to respectability and accepted mores, you tend to keep your problems locked up within yourself. This can lead to a life-is-against-me attitude. You must cultivate an optimistic outlook and a hope for the future. You should get away from self-centered attitudes and learn to serve humanity or those close to you. With difficult aspects, your father may have faded out of your life early. Negative: loneliness and depression. Badly afflicted: mental illness and confinement in hospitals, prisons or other places of detention. There may be secret enemies who may contribute to your downfall, however, these enemies may be more imaginary than real.

glyph of the Uranus in glyph of Taurus

Uranus in Taurus
Uranus in the fixed, earth sign of Taurus (text to come) ...

glyph of the Uranus in glyph of the

Uranus in the 1st House
Uranus in the 1st house indicates that you are eccentric, original, scientific, independent and high-strung; you can either make or break laws. Your breadth of vision and insight make you a leader ahead of your time, or you can be abrupt, tactless, dictatorial or perverse. You follow your own intuition, for better or worse and believe in and live up to your own code of ethics. You receive a lot of attention, at times because of your magnetic appeal and at times because of your screwball approach. Direct, outspoken and restless, you are a nonconformist.

glyph of the Neptune in glyph of Virgo

Neptune in Virgo
Neptune in the mutable, earth sign of Virgo last transited from 1929 to 1943. During this era the world experienced the Teapot Dome scandal over U.S. oil fields, the Stock Market Crash, the repeal of prohibition, entry into the atomic age, the dropping of the gold standard, the passing of the Social Security Act, World War II and race riots. The aerosol spray, computers, electric shavers, FM broadcasting and radar were invented during this period. The depression of the 1930's thwarted some of the creative and imaginative faculties of people born during this transit. If you were born with Neptune in Virgo you have new concepts about health and conditions of employment. You are among the first generation to accept psychiatry as part of your daily life. You probably experience a strong pull between reason and emotion and may have trouble accepting responsibilities, which may lead to escape through drugs or other psychedelic means. With difficult aspects, you may have breakdowns and neuroses. You are critical and may be quick to tear down the old without having something new to replace it with. However, you may also be a great humanitarian and fight for worthwhile causes.

glyph of the Neptune in glyph of the

Neptune in the 6th House
Neptune in the 6th house puts emphasis on work and services performed in a spiritual way. Neptune is in its detriment in this placement and indicates that the lessons of work and health may be difficult to learn. Unless Mars is strong, you may tend to idleness or drifting. You are extremely sensitive, and you should be careful with all medicines and drugs. Good aspects to Neptune enables you to understand spiritual healing such as homeopathy, acupuncture and the healing nature of herbs, for example. Afflictions indicate psychosomatic ailments, mental illness, hypochondria and illnesses difficult to diagnose. Strong aspects to Saturn will help balance your work and life and will help you cultivate good habits. This is a good placement for doctors, nurses, psychiatrists and humanitarians, especially where work takes you into large institutions; it endows you with a poetic humor. You like to care for pets or animals and may have the ability to communicate with them psychically. You love solitude.

glyph of the Pluto in glyph of Cancer

Pluto in Cancer
Pluto in the cardinal, water sign of Cancer suggests that you probably have a great need for security, as well as a need to achieve emotional maturity. This position indicates social awareness. Pluto in Cancer works very intuitively and instinctively and it loves to break with tradition. However, it could also make you resentful and even morbid.

glyph of the Pluto in glyph of the

Pluto in the 4th House
Pluto in the 4th shows a desire to control one's home and domestic scene. There is the capacity to improve the home environment. You may alienate other family members exercising this control or danger of a power struggle. There is a strong occult tie with the earth, a love of nature, an interest in ecology and the environment. You may possess an ability to understand hidden secrets of the earth through the study of geology or dousing. There may be involvement in mining. An afflicted Pluto could mean the loss of a parent. Occult interests may develop in the later years.

glyph of the nnode in glyph of in

North Node in Sagittarius

North Node in Sagittarius/South Node in Gemini - The keyword here is promise. For lifetimes this individual has enmeshed himself in dualities, resulting in indecision. He has tried to be all things to all people and as a result has made himself attuned to superficiality. Now he has strong karmic lessons to learn in areas of loyalty and allegiance. Eventually he will come to see that by playing both sides against the middle he can only hope to make himself the center of the sandwich, caught in the squeeze. Nevertheless he retains a past-life fear of committing himself fully to either side for at least on the superficial, he seed truth and right in both. He still believes that a definite commitment to one side would leave him with the feeling of missing the opportunity inherent in the other. This ability to remain uncommitted enables him constantly to adjust himself to fit the needs of the moment. Like the chameleon his colors change with his surroundings. In past incarnations he was not too discriminating, knowing that it really didn’t matter where he gave his affiliations since he never gave his complete self anyway. Now he swings like a pendulum in the breeze, open to ride if but for a brief time only on the winning wind. He purposely makes himself the pawn of others and, even if only for the moment, seems to agree with them so he can temporarily feel accepted and a part of something. Through many lives his sense of self-identity has become not merely a single division but filled with all the questions of everybody he was in contact with. Since so many people have formed the building blocks of this inner self, it is impossible for him to be anything but a hypocrite! When he speaks his facial expression as well as his body language will change from sentence to sentence, taking on the appearance of the person whose words he is now trying to pass off as his own. In fact, when he makes a definite positive statement, his eyes will always examine the recipient to see if it was received as truth. If not, then it doesn’t matter for he will now start talking incessantly, trying one collected statement after another on for size in the hope that somewhere in his collection of information a few words might be worthwhile. He loves activity, and when circumstances make him feel cooped up or bogged down he becomes highly nervous and restless. Always over-programmed, he struggles to keep up with the myriad of details and people that fill his life. He has so much to do and yet at the end of each day feels distracted from his purpose. In past incarnations he never developed a long attention span. As a result, he spends much of this life constantly changing his mind about everything. At one point, he will go through conflict over whether to live in a large city or in the country. The conflict is really between the continuation of his past-life need to be with people and his present-life desire to be away from them. Direction does not come at an early age. More often than not, it comes through the aid of parents or an older person who sets him on his course. This occurs usually after age twenty-eight. Underneath it all he is unsteady; he has been so busy seeing the shades of gray in everything that he has difficulty seeing the light of truth in himself. For this individual, life’s biggest task involves a quest for higher knowledge.

Through the Sagittarius North Node he must learn that in order for man to be capable of seeing the truth, he must first be the truth! He will go far if he teaches himself to speak from his higher mind for the esoteric meaning of all he says will ultimately show him his real identity. When he start to mesh with Transcendental Thought, he will begin to reach a spiritual union within himself. First he must work through his karma of perpetuating trivia and come to see that participating in gossip is the greatest sin against liberty. Then he must turn his back on all the past-life residue of pretend sophistication and reach for all that is real and natural. Ultimately, he comes to see that although a coin has two sides, it’s still one coin! When he develops this perspective of vision, he will be able to transform the knowledge he has acquired into Divine Wisdom.

The house position of the South Node shows the area where past incarnation personality conflicts still plague the lower mind. The house position of the North Node shows the ways in which a Higher Consciousness can be developed into a vehicle which enables him to rise above all conflict. His present-life evolution will free him from the bondage of indecision and in its place give him glimpses of Universal Truth.

from: Schulman, Martin, Karmic Astrology - Volume 1, 1975, Samuel Weiser, Inc., New York

glyph of the nnode in glyph of in

North Node in the 8th House

North Node in the 8th House/South Node in the 2nd House -- Here the individual is confronted with a powerful battle inside himself on the most basic of levels. His karma is to overcome the extreme possessiveness of past incarnations. Until he deals with this, he has difficulty finding meaning in anything he cannot personally own. He is jealous of the possessions of others, desiring strongly to have all that his eyes behold. In some individuals this builds up to an insatiable lust for possession. In this respect there is such a strong determination that little can sway him from pursuing his desires. Nearly always his life is based around the sexual force, and it is nearly certain that the sense of sexual understanding is highly perverted. There is usually something animalistic about the nature. Whether open or concealed there is a lack of response to the civilizing effects of society. In his past lives the individual did not fully understand the importance of other people's values but continued to go his own way, unaware of how he affected others. His soul has built a need system so great that no matter how much he is fulfilled, his greatest needs always seem to be just beyond his reach. He is like the proverbial donkey following a carrot strapped to his head, but rarely does he understand that he is the one who put it there. Those near him would give him the Moon if it would make him happy, but they know as well as he does that it would be only a momentary toy ultimately to be discarded and replaced by another need. It seems to be the quantity of quality that he desires, which is to say that he feels he must have it all! A bundle of excess in all directions, he finds it difficult to change his ways even after the realization that he is headed down a path of disaster. He pushes each crossroad to such extreme excess that when he does discover his errors, he is so far beyond the point of departure that he finds it impossible to see his way back. And so he continues further along a path he knows is wrong because it is the only road his eyes can see. In some cases he goes to such extremes that he may run into trouble with the law, but long after he sees his error he still keeps trying to convince others that he is right. More than one with any other Nodal position this individual must learn self-control for without discipline he can too easily allow his past incarnation habits of self-indulgence to make a shambles of his current life. Some with these Nodes experience an infirmity which brings them so close to death that their eyes open to a new appreciation of life. Others go through extremely trying sexual episodes so that they may start to be more clinical about their behavior. But always the karmic lesson is the same. The individual pushes himself so hard that he ultimately destroys all ground he has gained. Through a symbolic death of excessive behavior patterns he may ultimately experience a new birth. The past life residue presents too many physical and material concerns. The main growth in the current life is based on the individual's ability to ferret from out of the depths of his being the strength for a rebirth. He often displays an interest in the occult through which he ultimately gains information needed to achieve his regenerative transformation. Whatever he chooses to do there is always chaos in it for he is an extremist. And yet the combined karmic residue of stubbornness and laziness keeps stalling his rebirth. His soul wants to transform, but he has difficulty finding enough energy to do it. The hardest thing for him is to learn how to walk with no footsteps for he so desperately wants to be impressive that he keeps making his own life heavier. Relationships are extremely important to him. From prior incarnations he has developed the habit of seeing the world as a social caste system and within this framework keeps struggling for status, always believing that some people are more privileged than others.

Through his eighth house North Node he must symbolically kill this past-life value system and go through the permanent metamorphosis which will eventually attune him to the values of others. He has much to learn from those close to him as soon as he starts to listen. Most of his sexual thoughts come from a deep-seated desire to kill the physical plane. They lead him on a path of ultimate disgust with himself as well as with the physical and material life he has led for so long. Through open or secret lust as well as jealousies in money or business affairs he keeps spiraling his life to a point of no return. Once he reaches this, he will begin to be accepted through other people's value systems in order to find his way back. But he will be confronted with test of having to give up all that he has ever thought important, almost as if he is being asked to step to the back of the line and wait his turn. Each time a new and finer value is imposed on him, he must learn how to eliminate all in himself that blocks its acceptance. He will start his new life from the bottom of the ladder, where because of the slowness of his ascent he will treasure deeply every inch of ground he gains. Truly these Nodes indicate a difficult life, but only because the ingrained attitudes of past incarnations are so fixed on having their own way. Until the transition is complete he can expect his current life to be one financial tug of war after another. He must learn the karmic lesson that possessions are for the purpose of use and that is not necessary to own more than what is ultimately useful. When he overcomes the tendency to allow his life's energies to dissipate themselves, he can become a veritable dynamo in the business world. Still he must never forget that he is the type that must burn his bridges behind him as a protection against slipping backward to levels he has struggled to pass through. He must understand the biblical story of Lot, who when he was finally redeemed from Sodom and Gomorrha was asked to leave the city, take no possessions and under no circumstances look back. The eighth house North Node can regenerate or degenerate the individual. It is up to the strength of his own faith. To reach heaven this Nodal position must walk through hell first, and there from the very bowels of the earth make the realization that God will hear his faintest cry for help as soon as he sincerely promises not to "look back."

The sign which contains the South Node shows the type of past-life value system that must be regenerated. The sign which contains the North Node shows the ways in which the rebirth will be accomplished.

from: Schulman, Martin, Karmic Astrology - Volume 1, 1975, Samuel Weiser, Inc., New York