Planetary Positions

Planetary positions for:
Oct. 15, 2024, 6:31 pm
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Today's Forecast

of the Moment

These are the major aspects in effect, at this moment, for everyone.

Note: these major aspects use an "orb" of +/- 3 degrees.

Sun square Mars
(angle: 90.9°)
High energy.
Your energy level will be high, perhaps too high if you are not careful. Watch for signs of irritable impatience with others whenever things do not go exactly as you planned. Be assertive only when the situation calls for it, not whenever you feel like it. Also watch out for baseless conflicts with others, which you may not necessarily instigate yourself. Today you should be particularly careful of conflicts with authorities. Voice your complaints if they are legitimate, but expect a certain amount of hostile reaction to them. Also be careful that the tone of your complaint does not aggravate this hostility. What you get is usually a function of the energies that you put out. On the physical level, try to find an outlet for your vigorous energies.

Sun trine Jupiter
(angle: 121.8°)
Optimism and buoyancy.
This influence assures a day of good feelings, peace and harmony with others. But you should try to use its energy to accomplish something good and useful for yourself. The temptation is to enjoy the good feelings and let the day slip by without paying any special attention. The enthusiasm, optimism and buoyancy associated with this influence will enable you to project energies into the environment that will help your affairs work out as you want. This may appear to be luck, but it is not really. Consciously or unconsciously, in your daily routine you operate with great understanding of the overall patterns, and you act with more foresight and consideration than usual. If you do benefit from dumb luck, it is a consequence of something you have done in the recent past.

Moon sextile Pluto
(angle: 298.4°)
Weak, transient effect: This morning you desire experience at a very profound level and do not like superficial encounters. With friends and loved ones you seek the true meaning of your feelings for each other. Under this influence, deep-rooted feelings in a relationship are often brought to the surface. This has a therapeutic effect on most relationships, for it releases hidden energies that may be weakening the ties between you. During this time you should be careful not to set an objective for yourself and then become so obsessed by it that you lose track of everything else. Even this rather mild influence can result in a one-track mind and compulsive behavior. If this happens, it is a sign that hidden in this compulsion is a psychological energy that you should try to understand, because it could control some part of your life.

Venus opposite Uranus
(angle: 181.2°)
A break from the norm.
For the duration of the day you may be driven to look for exciting and stimulating activities and experiences. The ordinary experiences within relationships will not satisfy you. Unresolved tensions in a love relationship may cause sudden upsets as one of you seeks freedom from the restrictions and tensions. Another person may provide the occasion for a flirtation that unsettles your relationship. However, unless the tensions are severe, it is unlikely that you will suffer any permanent damage. Whatever you do today for fun will be intended to provide a break from the norm. Therefore, look for something exciting, meet new people and have new adventures. These will be upsetting only if you are afraid of and resistant to new experiences

Venus trine Neptune
(angle: 120.2°)
For the benefit of all.
This can be a very pleasant time, although it is not very good for getting things done. You are more likely to spend time in fantasy and daydreams than in working in the everyday world. But if you are involved in any creative activity that has to develop completely inside your mind before taking physical form, this is an extremely useful influence. At its highest, it enables you to deal with people with great compassion and tenderness. In your close relationships you act for the benefit of all concerned, not only to satisfy your own needs and desires. A relationship that begins during this time has the double potential of being very spiritual or insubstantial and illusory. Time will show you whether it is a real spiritual relationship between soul-mates or just a delusion to that effect

Venus sextile Pluto
(angle: 61.9°)
Something transcendental.
This influence deepens the emotions and creates a greater need to belong to an individual or to a group. Friendships are extremely important to you today, and they may change your life. Love relationships are more intense, and physical sexuality is experienced as something transcendental. This is a good time to try to understand your emotions and how they affect your relationships. Today you can enrich and enhance a relationship as you realize the strength of your feelings, in a moment when you experience the full force of your emotion. Certainly any emotion that you feel today will have extraordinary force and vigor. No experience under this influence is superficial, nor would you be satisfied with any that was

Uranus sextile Neptune
(angle: 301.4°)
The other way around.
Valid during many months: This influence stimulates your interest in spiritual ideals and occult concerns. You will discover that your usual way of viewing the universe does not provide satisfactory explanations, so you will turn toward concepts that provide better explanations, even though they are not consistent with what you have been taught. Ideas that you have always regarded as impossibly idealistic become more important, and you work harder to make them part of real life. During this time many people become very much concerned with occult philosophy, metaphysics, spiritualism and mysticism. You have a great need to see the universe as a whole and to understand your relationship to it. However, orthodox religions and philosophies will not fulfill your needs at this time, so you turn to less orthodox studies. The overall effect of this influence is to open your mind to entirely new levels of consciousness. But this happens through sudden insights into your experience of the everyday world. It is not necessary to travel to some exotic foreign place in order to experience this. Some people go through a kind of enlightenment during this time, whether through a positive drug experience or through a spontaneous event in their own consciousness. As your consciousness evolves, you will begin to associate with others whose views are similar, so that you can reinforce and strengthen each others insights. In this way you may get involved with organized groups that work to further occult and metaphysical studies. Whatever else happens now, your ideals will be transformed, as will your aims and objectives. After this period you will not be content to follow the same goals; the old ones simply wont have any meaning for you any longer.

Neptune sextile Pluto
(angle: 58.3°)


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