Today's Forecast
of the Moment
These are the major aspects in effect, at this moment, for everyone.
Note: these major aspects use an "orb" of +/- 3 degrees.

Sun trine Mars
(angle: 241.4°)
New beginnings.
Today you will find it easy to be yourself. However, you should work alone and for your own benefit. It is not that you are feeling hostile or resentful of others becoming involved in your work, but that you do not want to be dependent upon others for support or encouragement. Your life is no doubt filled with projects that you have begun at various times. You may not always be aware of their significance, and you may be acting quite unconsciously in some ways, but these projects are important nevertheless. Now is a good time to take stock of them and to examine what state they are in. If you must make new beginnings in your life to adjust imbalances that have developed, this is the time to do it. Otherwise put most of your energy into firming up the activities you are presently involved in.

Sun conjunct Saturn
(angle: 2.3°)
Organizing and planning.
On this day you will turn your attention to your duties and responsibilities, to those tasks that you may not want to do but feel that you must in order to fulfill your obligations to others. These duties may be more imagined than real, but unfortunately they are often real. One element of the mastery of life is to be able to tell which are real and which are not. This influence is excellent for all kinds of organizing and planning. You are very concerned with form and order and want to incorporate it into your life as much as possible. This tendency may extend to organizing the people around you as well as ordering the material aspects of your life. You should be careful not to restrict other people unnecessarily.

Moon trine Neptune
(angle: 240.8°)
Truly selfless.
Weak, transient effect: This influence will bring forth your innermost subconscious fantasies. Tonight you may spend considerable time daydreaming and not accomplish very much, but you will probably feel that it has been worth it. Dreams can be very refreshing to the spirit. At times we all need to withdraw a bit from the real world and encounter our inner selves. Now you have great sympathy for others. You are able to put yourself in their place and know exactly how you would feel in such a situation. You want to help others, with little thought of any benefit to yourself. This is one of those influences that makes you truly selfless, not merely in appearance. You may work to help people whom you consider less fortunate than yourself. There is often a strong interest in psychic or spiritual subjects under this influence.

Mercury conjunct Venus
(angle: 2.1°)
Mental or emotional?
This influence can have a variety of effects. First of all, it can stimulate your appreciation of beauty, your interest in art, music or poetry. It may also indicate that you will tell someone that you love him or that you will discuss your relationship with someone. This influence works primarily upon the mind rather than the feelings and is often expressed as an intellectual appreciation of beauty. However, to a considerable extent it also removes the distinctions between mental and emotional. You may experience concepts with great emotional feeling or express emotions in an intellectual manner. The area in which feeling and intellect can best be synthesized is in the arts. Thus you are much more receptive than usual to experiences through art

Saturn sextile Uranus
(angle: 297.9°)
Challenging the status quo.
Valid during many months: At this time there is a balance between the old and the new in your life, between conservatism and the desire to experiment. You are able to take a new experience, see its potential and give it a concrete form in your life. You approach life with patience, willing to give everything a chance to prove itself. Consequently this is an excellent time for studying any kind of demanding new material. You can also teach the techniques you have learned to others. You may find it desirable to work with other people in the projects that you undertake now. Their insights will help you transcend your own limitations. The changes you made in your life several years ago have taken a concrete form now. You may have moved, changed the structure of your relationships or changed your job at that time. Under this influence, these matters are stable, for you realize that your life is different now and perhaps more appropriate to what you are. You may feel that you can encompass anything new that comes along now, and it is quite likely that you are more able to do so than usual. And it is good for you to try new approaches - dont reject challenges to the status quo. Incorporate them into yourself if they reveal valid flaws in your life as it is. In a few years it will be much harder to make these challenges a part of your life, and you may be forced to make changes under less desirable conditions. Your sense of internal pressure will be much greater then, and you are more likely to act in a disordered or disruptive way.