Current Block

Planetary positions for:
Mar. 9, 2025, 3:52 pm
in 19°25'
in 27°32'
in 07°24'
in 09°35'
in 18°06'
in 13°04'
in 21°46'
in 23°53'
in 29°13'
in 03°06'
in 27°26'


How do two people interact with each other?

Comparing the birth charts of two individuals will highlight the major aspects that are shared between them. These aspects then suggest the type of interaction that these individuals will experience. For example, a Venus aspects would predict love. A Mercury aspect would predict communication.

Please select person #1's name and select person #2's name, then click submit.

The drop-down list contains readily available, natal information of public figures. If you want to add your own private natal horoscope information to determine your own horoscope, you must first register and create an account. Your private natal horoscope information will then only be accessible via your account to restrict access.