Mercury in the cardinal, fire sign of Aries indicates a way of thinking that is inclined to be decisive and competitive. You are impulsive, imaginative and you have good foresight and a desire to be first in everything. You can express yourself easily and you can improvise beautifully. At times you use your nervous energies cuttingly or even sarcastically. This placement is not well adapted for sustained mental effort; therefore you need to cultivate patience and learn to not be impatient with delays. Witty, inventive and quick on the trigger, you have original ideas. You are fond of a good debate or argument. Sometimes you can be too headstrong or too self-centered. If there are challenging aspects from Mercury to Jupiter in the chart, you are prone to exaggeration. You tend to look at the world as you wish it to be, not as it really is. Many fixed planets in your chart will help to stabilize this placement for Mercury.