glyph of the Moon in glyph of Aries

The Moon in the cardinal, fire sign of Aries indicates that you are self-reliant, dynamic, aggressive with sharp, acute feelings. Key words: authority, decisiveness. Life is an adventure and you are open to new ideas. You have much natural and sincere enthusiasm, but you must consciously work to develop patience. Your hair-trigger temper flares up quickly though you don't hold a grudge. You often assert your me first tendencies. Your quick but changeable mind is brilliant and acute, but you also have a susceptibility to a hot temper, nervousness and even headaches. You seem to be emotionally detached from the people around you. You hide a sense of insecurity behind an aggressive exterior; you should develop the ability to ask for help when you need it. Your independent nature can make you courageous to the point of foolhardiness. When you are interested, you are very warm; when you are not inwardly stirred, you are impersonal. You feel with your ego. Your mental impressions and reactions are very quick. You trust your sense perceptions and you are apt to act immediately without reflection; you jump into action from your quick feelings rather than from reason. You are neither methodical nor persistent. You excel in positions where quick decisions are vital. You take the initiative in many activities and you show excessive confidence as well as insufficient forethought. A better leader than a follower. Ambitious and pioneering, you live and gain by fits and starts. Your senses are well developed, especially your sight. This position of the Moon in a woman's chart may indicate jealousy and a need to dominate the partner. In a male chart it often attracts a dominant partner. Since the Moon in the chart represents the mother, your mother, in your eyes, embodies many of the Aries traits: resolute, independent, active, outspoken and a strong influence upon you.