Sun: VIR 27° 26'
Moon: SAG 00° 57'
ASC: PIS 21° 30'
Mercury: VIR 09° 48'
Venus: LEO 16° 58'
Mars: LIB 15° 39'
Jupiter: TAU 15° 08'
Saturn: PIS 02° 05'
Uranus: TAU 22° 51'
Neptune: PIS 26° 14'
Pluto: CAP 27° 59'
N Node: ARI 25° 05'



Name: Daily_Daily

glyph of the Sun in glyph of Pisces

Sun in Pisces
The Sun in the mutable, water sign of Pisces brings a heightened sensitivity and responsiveness to the thoughts and feelings of others. The planet Neptune is the ruler of Pisces and the 12th house. Those with a strong Piscean presence in their natal chart soak up the ideas and mental outlook of those around them. As a result of being easily influenced, taking action or fulfilling desires gets blurred. Whose actions and whose desires take precedence? The difficulty with decision-making is symbolized by the two attached fishes swimming in opposite directions. Although the typical Piscean may seem to lack of self-confidence, in their own quiet way they can accomplish a great deal, though first they need to overcome the desire to escape from anything that is difficult. Pisces is the dreamer of the zodiac and the Piscean energy is compassionate, tolerant, kind and loving. Creative, imaginative, spiritual and often mystical, at times you can be indolent and impractical. Charming and likable, they are good to those in distress and are fond of animals.

glyph of the Sun in glyph of the

Sun in the 12th House
The Sun in the 12th house indicates an individual who is somewhat retiring. His will is directed towards exploring the resources of his own unconscious. You are secretive. Although you may lack self-confidence and need a lot of solitude, you are able to integrate the subconscious part of your nature. Your life before 30 may be somewhat restricted. You may find self-expression and work in institutions, hospitals, asylums, places of spiritual and physical retreat. If you display leadership qualities, it will usually be expressed behind the scenes. This is often the placement for actors, since actors can hide their real feelings by playing a role. If there are difficult aspects, you may be your own worst enemy; you must learn to serve and should not let yourself wallow in self-pity, there may be excessive shyness and neurotic tendencies.

glyph of the Moon in glyph of Cancer

Moon in Cancer
The Moon in the cardinal, water sign of Cancer is in its rulership, indicating depth and intensity of emotions. There can be strong ties to the mother, the family and the home. You may be a good cook, homemaker and concerned parent. Domestic security and marriage are important for your emotional well-being. You have a sensitivity to the moods and feelings of others that can border on the psychic. This extreme sensitivity to others' opinions and reactions may lead you to imagined slights, even when not intended. Consequently, you may, at times, withdraw and brood. You hide your true feelings and strong emotions under a hard shell. If afflicted, there may be excessive emotional instability and a tendency to smother the children with love, to the point of wanting to dominate their lives.

glyph of the Moon in glyph of the

Moon in the 5th House
The Moon in the 5th house indicates that your creativity, romantic relationships, fun, play and pleasures are influenced by your strong emotional needs, whether you are expressing love for others or a desire for children. Persons with this placement are often very fond of babies and children. You are a romantic and inclined to have many affairs in your constant search for pleasure, unless there are many planets in fixed signs in your chart. You have a great deal of charm and poetic imagination. Your creativity will surface according to the sign the Moon is in and aspects the Moon makes. This placement promises a fruitful marriage. You are a good parent but are apt to bind your children to you. The Moon here can indicate early success and it suggests a career in teaching, sports or the theater for you are theatrical by nature. Your luck in speculation is subject to fluctuation.

glyph of the Mercury in glyph of Aries

Mercury in Aries
Mercury in the cardinal, fire sign of Aries indicates a way of thinking that is inclined to be decisive and competitive. You are impulsive, imaginative and you have good foresight and a desire to be first in everything. You can express yourself easily and you can improvise beautifully. At times you use your nervous energies cuttingly or even sarcastically. This placement is not well adapted for sustained mental effort; therefore you need to cultivate patience and learn to not be impatient with delays. Witty, inventive and quick on the trigger, you have original ideas. You are fond of a good debate or argument. Sometimes you can be too headstrong or too self-centered. If there are challenging aspects from Mercury to Jupiter in the chart, you are prone to exaggeration. You tend to look at the world as you wish it to be, not as it really is. Many fixed planets in your chart will help to stabilize this placement for Mercury.

glyph of the Mercury in glyph of the

Mercury in the 1st House
Mercury in the 1st house gives you an inquiring, intellectual outlook on life; very little that happens in your environment escapes you. You are ego-conscious, curious, adaptable, restless and often nervous. You have strong intellectual energy and a quick wit. Your thinking is quite I oriented and you find it difficult to really understand the feelings of others. You are talkative and inclined to much writing because of your intense desire to express yourself verbally. This is a good position for writers, doctors, scientists, scholars and librarians. You have a deep need to express yourself and sometimes you speak before you think. But usually you approach your personal affairs very logically and rationally. With easy aspects you are probably quite eloquent; with too many challenging aspects you may stammer or have a speech impediment.

glyph of the Venus in glyph of Aries

Venus in Aries
Venus in the cardinal, fire sign of Aries indicates that you tend to be ardent, restless and aggressive in your emotional self-expression and, at times, overwhelming to the point of driving others away. In a female horoscope, this quality shows a woman who chases the man. Because you are outgoing and enthusiastic, you excel in social situations. You are magnetic, an idea person and a fast thinker. Your outlook is cheerful and positive; you package yourself well and you can be creative and artistic. Venus is in its detriment because Aries opposes Libra, the ruling sign of Venus. For this reason, people with Venus in Aries demand a lot of personal attention and tend to be self-centered. With difficult aspects, you may be fickle, may dash into an early or hasty marriage, or may even lack manners. You must develop more understanding of other people's feelings.

glyph of the Venus in glyph of the

Venus in the 1st House
Venus in the 1st house indicates that you posses personal grace, charm, a pleasing manner and a friendly demeanor. It also bestows beauty, harmony, balance, intuition and kindness. You like nice clothes, enjoy social involvements and love people to spoil you. Your natural ability to mix socially is likely to result in business, romantic and marital opportunities. Your early life is pleasant and you like beautiful surroundings and cultured living. You may have a sweet tooth and enjoy music and flirting. Acting is easy for you because of your outgoing personality. With difficult aspects, you may have a me-first attitude and you can be lazy and self-indulgent.

glyph of the Mars in glyph of Cancer

Mars in Cancer
Mars in the cardinal, water sign of Cancer is in its fall, since Cancer is opposite Capricorn, where Mars is exalted. Because of this you are moody and experience emotional frustration, you can be quite quarrelsome and you may become involved in discordant domestic relationships. Acquisitive and artistic, gadgets appeal to you. You are firm and calm in an emergency. If you suppress too much anger, ulcers or stomach problems may arise. Usually unwilling to sacrifice your own views, you like to work independently. This position of Mars may lead to the early loss of the mother. You are refined, yet sensitive sexually. If there are inharmonious aspects, you should avoid over-indulgence.

glyph of the Mars in glyph of the

Mars in the 5th House
Mars in the 5th house show you are ardent, athletic, impulsive and fickle. You love to compete but are a bad loser. You work well with children and can be an excellent disciplinarian. Sociable and a born promoter, you may tend to be self-indulgent and at times foolhardy. You are very sexual, romantic and idealistic. With challenging aspects, you should not gamble and must be very cautious in any speculative dealings. Your children could cause you some unhappiness, but this is usually a good house for Mars.

glyph of the Jupiter in glyph of Gemini

Jupiter in Gemini
Jupiter in the mutable, air sign of Gemini indicates that you are self-educated, diplomatic and broad-minded and your great originality and alertness can make you the idea person in some organization. Although you are basically cheerful and fun-loving, you have a temperamental streak which can show itself unexpectedly. You express your talents in many ways; you could own a boutique, write or teach philosophy or run a mail-order business. Separation from your siblings and more than one marriage are strong possibilities with Jupiter in Gemini. With challenging aspects, you must avoid being an intellectual snob and must learn to handle your restlessness.

glyph of the Jupiter in glyph of the

Jupiter in the 3rd House
Jupiter in the 3rd house rules the faculty of conscious thought, early education, relationships with siblings and gives a mentality that is optimistic, philosophic and spiritually oriented. You have an interest in the affairs that are ruled by Jupiter, such as education, philosophy, teaching, publishing, religion, communication and travel. You are fond of travel and much time is devoted to short and long distance journeys. There is great curiosity concerning trends in social thought and communication expressed through all forms of writing and speech. You probably have congenial relationships with any brothers or sisters, if you have any. Negative: There is a danger of accidents while traveling, due to overconfidence or recklessness. The propensity to accidents while traveling is especially likely if Jupiter is afflicted by Uranus or Mars. There is also a tendency to be talkative, imprudent or prone to exaggerate.

glyph of the Saturn in glyph of Pisces

Saturn in Pisces
Saturn in the mutable, water sign of Pisces is a difficult position because here the karmic planet is in the karmic sign. There is a tendency to become trapped in the memories of your past. An overactive, fearful imagination generates all sorts of anxieties and neuroses. Therefore, it may be difficult to deal effectively with the demands of the present. A positive consequence is that you possess an deeper emotional understanding of other people and a willingness to work hard on behalf of those less fortunate than yourself. Although your perception of others is well developed, you lack insight into yourself and tend to underestimate your own worth. You need quiet and solitude to discover your many abilities; you would especially do well in the fields of literature, research or metaphysics. You may enjoy working behind the scenes, or you could find yourself in a large institution like a hospital, university or government agency. You take life too seriously and react emotionally. Guard against self-pity which can lead to depression and try to practice emotional detachment. Difficult aspects can lead to excessive worry, psychosomatic illness and neurotic tendencies.

glyph of the Saturn in glyph of the

Saturn in the 1st House
Saturn in the 1st house shows that you are inhibited, reserved, serious, conscientious, patient and aristocratic. You desire power because you may have had limitations imposed on you during your childhood; possibly you were very shy, but now you want to go forward. You have a feeling of personal insecurity or inadequacy, but this feeling spurs you to great achievements. You have extensive responsibilities, and often this position indicates that you went to work early in life. You were very mature as a youngster, but will get younger as life goes on. If Saturn is very close to the Ascendant, it may indicate that your birth was difficult for your mother. With poor aspects, you may go through life feeling unloved; you can be selfish and suffer from depression.

glyph of the Uranus in glyph of Taurus

Uranus in Taurus
Uranus in the fixed, earth sign of Taurus (text to come) ...

glyph of the Uranus in glyph of the

Uranus in the 2nd House
Uranus in the 2nd house indicates that you experience many financial ups and downs, receive unexpected windfalls and rarely have what would be considered a steady income. You tend to find original methods of earning money. With your great desire for independence, you would do better in your own business than in a nine to five work situation. You ignore the accepted value systems and usually substitute your own. You are strong willed and try to dominate your loved ones. You might receive money through either inheritance or partners. With difficult aspects, this is not a good position for speculation.

glyph of the Neptune in glyph of Pisces

Neptune in Pisces
Neptune in the mutable, water sign of Pisces indicates that (text to come) ...

glyph of the Neptune in glyph of the

Neptune in the 1st House
Neptune in the 1st house means you are dreamy, refined, gentle, vague and imaginative. You may be a dreamer who changes plans and ideas according to your mood and who lives in a world of fantasy. You do not see yourself clearly, nor do others see you as you really are. You appear to be glamorous, mysterious, magnetic and charismatic. With good aspects, you will use your strong imagination in artistic pursuits. With difficult aspects your imagination may sap your energies, make you subject to strange experiences and bring on hard-to-diagnose illnesses.

glyph of the Pluto in glyph of Aquarius

Pluto in Aquarius
Pluto in the fixed, air sign of Aquarius (text to come)...

glyph of the Pluto in glyph of the

Pluto in the 11th House
Pluto in the 11th house means that you are intensely loyal, fulfilling, have a strong communal sense, an urge to reform and a wealth of plans. Interested in worldly affairs, you may participate in reform movements or social improvements. Your friends are important to you and you are helpful to them; however, you must take care that they do not influence your life too strongly. With challenging aspects you must learn to discriminate in your choice of associates, because you may be attracted to those who will lead you astray. This placement often indicates a loner.

glyph of the nnode in glyph of in

North Node in Pisces

North Node in Pisces/South Node in Virgo - In the realm of consciousness, this is the hardest Nodal position to deal with. Here, as a result of many lifetimes, the individual starts to realize his own rigidity. He is aware of his patterns and how much they hurt him; yet he finds them difficult to let go of. In prior lives, he lived in the consciousness of a finite universe where all was well structured. Now he is confronted with the realization that truth extends beyond what his finite senses can measure or even perceive. He is unavoidably confronted with situations, circumstances and events which force him to relinquish his hold on the physical plane. Nevertheless he still tries to live like the salmon – swimming against the current, regardless of the direction of nature’s forces. He still seeks order. In fact, his need for strict regimentation is so strong that he develops medical troubles in the center of the body from personalizing a stiffness that increases tension on the inner organs. Constantly he suppresses desire for the sake of doing what seems proper for he would like to maintain an image of respectability. In past incarnations he built his understanding on fact, not hearsay. Now he accepts only what comes from the “highest authority.” He seeks ways to rid himself of the nervous irritability which keeps overcoming him, and yet he puts stipulations on the cure. He must learn how to immerse himself in the waters of Cosmic Consciousness, and in this baptism of thought he can truly experience a new birth. Before he can do this, however, he must first overcome his karmic fear of living in a contaminated world. He comes into this life believing that the world is filled with danger, and therefore constantly questions the credentials of the people and conditions he considers allowing into his life. Everything foreign to the self represents the threat of disease, and it is because of such thinking that from time to time disease actually occurs. For many with these Nodes there is a strong residue of sexual problems left over from former incarnations. Either a deprivation of the sexual experience, or a strong determination to avoid emotional hurt through it, leads them to seek a better understanding in the current life. Some are confirmed Puritans, while others are capable of being physically responsive and emotionally cold at the same time. The mind is so analytical that life can easily slip into the manipulation of a chess game. This individual has a sharp eye for detail and never overlooks the obvious. He is an expert at solving puzzles, willing to spend many hours tediously groping for the tiniest answer, but can get so involved with whatever he is doing that he often loses perspective. His past-life discriminating tendencies often lead him now to pick apart what should be left altogether. Thus, although he is capable of immense clarity of thought, he does not experience complete peace of mind.

Through the Pisces North Node, he must learn Faith. When he stops separating the world into neat little compartments, he will get his first glimpses of Universal Consciousness. Ultimately he is to achieve the understanding that all is one, and one is all. Before this happens, he must learn how to stop seeing himself as separate from the rest of the world. He will go through experiences which force him to grow more compassionate. As he starts to find his well-laid plans dissolving into nothing, he begins to see others in a different light. Ultimately he symbolically goes through the pain of the entire universe so that he can strengthen his Divine Love to the point that he absolutely refuses to pass judgment on others. He makes much progress by acquainting himself with the spiritual way of life. His growth extends as far as his arms can reach. While the arm of the past still clutches at his self-imposed restrictions, the arm of his future is grasping for the higher alternative. It is only his failure to let go completely that prevents him form achieving the perfect transition into the full state of higher mind. Yet, he does reach the point the he occasionally sees it. From time to time his remarkable intuition reveals to him the mysterious essence of life, yet the past incarnation memories of his Virgoan practicality cause doubt at every point. An so, half way between one world and another, these mutable Nodes are in a constant state of change. Arriving at his destination but not sure that he is there, he keeps going back to start his journey again. Each time he reaches one step more into the infinite, where ultimately he will dissolve the shackles of his rigidly formed past and be born again as pure spirit.

The house position of the South Node indicates the areas in life that is still too rigidly embedded in a personally overstructured idea. The house position of the North Node shows how the soul can renounce its grip on all rigid definition of form and structure so that it can be free to swim in the Ocean of God.

from: Schulman, Martin, Karmic Astrology - Volume 1, 1975, Samuel Weiser, Inc., New York

glyph of the nnode in glyph of in

North Node in the 1st House

North Node in the 1st House/South Node in the 7th House -- This individual is here to go through experiences which challenge the self. In former incarnations he fell into the trap of depending upon undependable people. Spending too much time trying to help others understand themselves, he never stopped to reflect on how their same situations and circumstances played an important role in his own identity. As a result of putting the accent outside the self, it now becomes difficult for him to see who he really is. This is particularly strong if Neptune is found near the Ascendant. These Nodes indicate past incarnations in which the individual submerged his identity in the affairs of others. Marriage and partnerships are so deeply rooted in his way of doing things that his quest of self is constantly viewed through other people’s eyes. He therefore allows their thoughts and opinions of him to influence his own sense of identity. Ultimately he must come out of the bondage of trying to be all things to all people and in light of his own singular vibration, establish who he really is. He must escape from living in the shadow of other people’s lives. His soul memories of cooperation and teamwork are so strong that every time he falls back on them, he actually extinguishes himself in the causes of others.

His first house North Node now brings to him the awareness that somehow he has lost his identity. Submerged in the desire to please, he has made himself a reflection of an ideal peculiarly opposite to his own basic nature. This causes him much current-life pain as he desires to come out of himself while at the same time not inflict hurt upon those near him. He must ultimately learn how to assume gracefully the role of leadership. This is extremely difficult, because he has had so much prior-life experience in being submissive. He has sacrificed himself so that others could achieve their goals. All of his important experiences revolved around docile acquiescence. Now the highest growth potential is to establish a sense of self without shutting off completely the benefits of marriage and partnerships. Too often when he becomes aware of all he has sacrificed through his South Node, he becomes an extremist, feeling that one state of existence inhibits the other. He starts focusing every part of the life energy around the desire to lead rather than to be led. Through an instinctive knowledge that his Achilles heel or weak spot is in the ways that he can allow himself to be put into the position of being taken advantaged of in marriage, he develops the tendency to become too over-assertive. He tries too hard to make up for what he feels he has lost. To achieve happiness in the current life, he must learn how to balance equally his own needs with those around him. He must deliberately try not to rush his own growth and independence, with the understanding that the most beautiful flower takes time to blossom, while only the weed grows quickly.

The sign which contains the South Node indicates the ways in which the individual during former incarnations submerged himself in others. The sign which contains the North Node shows the ways in which he can now establish his own sense of identity.

from: Schulman, Martin, Karmic Astrology - Volume 1, 1975, Samuel Weiser, Inc., New York

Unique Configurations

Grand Trine
(none present)

(none present)

Grand Cross
(none present)