Others with the Neptune sextile Pluto aspect include:
Note: the additional house information.

Peter Needle:      2.8°
Daily Daily:      3.9°
Barack Obama:      1.6°
Bette Midler:      3.5°
Robin Williams:      1.9°
Bruce Willis:      2.8°
Bob Dylan:      7.4°
Kate Winslet:      0.4°
Zooey Deschanel:      0.3°
Alexander-G Bell:      3.9°
Keanu Reeves:      1.6°
Hillary Clinton:      3.5°
William Clinton:      5.0°
Joseph Biden:      5.7°
Bill Gates:      0.1°
Steve Jobs:      2.8°
George-W Bush:      4.7°
George Clooney:      4.2°
Mel Gibson:      1.9°
Stephen King:      4.2°
Thomas-Alva Edison:      3.4°
Hurricane Katrina:      6.1°
Volcano Mt-St-Helens:      2.5°